This is the full-size version of the Vulcan II flagship keyboard series for Roccat.

Target user
The main focus in on so-called experience gamers but should also have design/features that attract performance gamers.

Best-in-class and industry-defining design
Next-level light experience
Intelligent functionality

Starting point
The project's starting point was the last-gen keyboard it’s replacing the Vulcan 121. We wanted to keep some important characteristics like the exposed switches, Metal mounting plate, and floating side profile when we redesigned the Vulcan series from the ground up.
Additionally, we wanted to align the design with the other up-and-coming products in the family. Modernize design aesthetics, improve user experience, and ergonomics, and at the same time create an illumination solution that creates a wow experience and gives the product a standout design element compared to its competitors.

Design Overview
The same floating design is seen from the side-view, we also soften the details to modernize and make it fit better with the soft shapes of the mice.

The metal plate was kept large and visible to add visual quality and focus we rounded the corners and increased the chamfer size/angle, in addition to also adding a step in the chamfer to give it a bold look in a sleek and refined way.

The Multimedia area was integrated flush with the metal plate and updated in shape and details to fit with the design solutions we implemented on other product lines.

The palm rest was developed to be affordable, more comfortable and add a never seen before light experience for the users, and give the product an eye-catching unique identifier to stand out in the crowd and be recognizable.
It was made in a single piece of translucent PU where we developed the hole slots to give some extra comfort, lowering the cost and also improving the illumination. The satin finish texture catches the light and gives a smooth feel. The hardness of the PU was carefully chosen to strike a perfect balance between comfort, easy installation, and cleanliness.

I also developed the switches that Roccat uses on all of its next-gen products. They have an innovative dual-led solution we created so you can illuminate the top and bottom icons of the keycap for improved functionality and user experience.

Role: Co-Lead designer
Product launch: 2022
Product variations: Dark grey & Light gray (2x)

Personal responsibilities:
Develop Switch & keycap design and CAD.

Shared responsibilities:
Planning, Research,
Develop keyboard design, CMF, Light mockup, Presentations, Renderings, Handover material, and Mockup/EVT/PVT refinements.

Not involved in:
Surface refinements (Alias)
Mockup building (high quality)
Roccat promotional images (as seen below)


Roccat 2022